To some it's half empty,
to some it's half full.
To me, it's time for a beer run.


High of 88°
7 to 15 mph SSE

Sunny, with a high near 88. South southeast wind 7 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 21 mph.

Saturday Night

Low of 65°
9 to 15 mph SSE

Clear, with a low around 65. South southeast wind 9 to 15 mph, with gusts as high as 22 mph.


Temperature: 71.20° F  (21.78° C)

Minimum: 71.24°  (3:27 AM)

Maximum: 73.58°  (12:02 AM)

Wind Chill: 71.24°

Heat Index: 71.24°

Dew Point: 68.54°

Record High: 109.00° (1956)

Record Low: 50.00° (1971)

2024 High: 100.22° (06/24/24)

2024 Low: -18.76° (01/14/24)


Current Wind Avg: 3.60 mph

Current Wind Dir: East South East

Gusting To: 4.60 mph

Max Gust Today: 6.90 mph

Barometer: 29.89

Barometer Trend: -0.20

Cloud Height: 1,732.70 ft


Last Updated: 7/27/2024 3:47:00 AM


Daily Rain: 0.00 in.

Maximum Rate: 0.0000 in. minute

Yesterday Rain: 0.00 in.

Monthly Rain: 5.59 in.

Yearly Rain: 23.24 in.

Current Humidity: 91.00%

Min/Max Humidity Index: 85.46°/89.42°


Garage Temp/Humidity: 78.40° / 56.00°


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Last Year Web Cam

Year ago Cam

Weather history for this day (7/27). Each year I've had a station.

 DateHighLowDaily Rain
07/27/2024 Saturday73.58°71.24°0.00
07/27/2023 Thursday95.72°76.28°0.01
07/27/2022 Wednesday88.34°65.48°0.01
07/27/2021 Tuesday95.18°67.46°0.00
07/27/2020 Monday83.48°66.20°0.07
07/27/2019 Saturday91.04°68.00°0.01
07/27/2018 Friday82.58°55.94°0.00
07/27/2017 Thursday83.48°66.74°0.00
07/27/2016 Wednesday87.26°66.20°0.00
07/27/2015 Monday88.16°75.74°0.00
07/27/2014 Sunday82.04°64.22°0.00
07/27/2013 Saturday73.76°53.24°0.00
07/27/2012 Friday87.08°66.38°0.00
07/27/2011 Wednesday98.96°74.66°0.20
07/27/2010 Tuesday94.64°72.50°0.00
07/27/2009 Monday86.18°59.54°0.00
07/27/2008 Sunday91.76°68.36°0.00
07/27/2007 Friday87.44°70.88°0.03
07/27/2006 Thursday89.50°73.30°0.01
07/27/2005 Wednesday74.60°51.70°0.00
07/27/2004 Tuesday79.90°54.80°0.00





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