Tonight |
Mostly Clear
Mostly clear. Low around 6, with temperatures rising to around 9 overnight. Northwest wind 5 to 10 mph, with gusts as high as 17 mph. |
Monday |
Sunny. High near 27, with temperatures falling to around 24 in the afternoon. West northwest wind 5 to 8 mph. |
Temperature: 7.00° F (-13.89° C)
Minimum: 6.98° (12:00 AM)
Maximum: 7.52° (12:00 AM)
Wind Chill: 6.98°
Heat Index: 6.98°
Dew Point: 2.84°
Record High: 64.00° (1987)
Record Low: -15.88° (2024)
1 High: 0.00° (01/01/01)
1 Low: 0.00° (01/01/01)
Current Wind Avg: 0.20 mph
Current Wind Dir: North West
Gusting To: 0.00 mph
Max Gust Today: 1.20 mph
Barometer: 30.33
Barometer Trend: 0.40
Cloud Height: 2,031.80 ft
Last Updated: 1/13/2025 12:24:00 AM
Daily Rain: 0.00 in.
Maximum Rate: 0.0000 in. minute
Yesterday Rain: 0.00 in.
Monthly Rain: 0.00 in.
Yearly Rain: 0.00 in.
Current Humidity: 83.00%
Min/Max Humidity Index: -1.30°/-0.76°
Garage Temp/Humidity: 69.30° / 37.00°
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